Friday, January 11, 2013

Be the Mantis

Be the Mantis

This praying mantis has got it going, don’t you agree? She embodies drive & spirit. Bring in on! Maybe she knows it’s a new year too.

Seeing this bold green lady inspired a little research. I learned that there are 1,800 species of insects in this group, the genus Mantis. They got their name, praying mantis, from how they keep their spiny front legs bent when they are still. Praying mantises can swivel their heads 180 degrees. Their eyes can see movement up to 60 feet away. No wonder they usually win in a duel with prey.

As a writer, I need to be forward thinking too, and to keep my mind open in all directions, for the sake of my characters and the plot. And I need to pray-ask-seek answers in order to lead my story in the right direction and create the most satisfying ending for my readers.

So in this year 2013, I strive to be the mantis. (Well, not in every way. The praying mantis bites the back of its victim’s neck before eating it. I don’t want to hurt my reader, although I do enjoy “striking” in story with the element of surprise.

Here’s to all my fellow writers – student writers too. Be the mantis in 2013!