Sunday, February 13, 2011

I Love Valentine's Day!

You bet I love Valentine's Day! How could someone named Rose not love roses? Same goes for chocolates, poems and strawberry-flavored cupcakes with fluffy frosting and lots of red sugar on top (Must be my red hair).

Romance rocks and I'm lucky to have a four-star husband. But when I think of Valentines Day, I draw a bigger heart. I think of my kids, my parents, other family members and friends. People I admire, too, and so many true friends. 

Then I get back to books and stories and my job as an author, and the heart gets bigger again. 

I love my characters. They are my friends. And I'm not losing it when I say on a certain level, they are very real to me. Real like the Velveteen rabbit was real to his owner.

I love my editor, agent, and booksellers and all the rest in storyland who help turn my stories into books.

And I love my readers. I really do! You all write me letters and send me emails about your lives that cheer me on & inspire me and remind me how books connect us across the miles.

This year, I'm thinking that Cupid should put down the bow and arrow and simply send books. Sounds lovey to me.

Happy Valentines Day all!