Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Happy Holidays, World!

The holidays are here, and I want to send warm wishes to friends and yet-to-meet friends around the world. So I did a little research and it turns out that "Happy Holidays" translates to "vacation days off" in many languages. And, as we all know, different culture have different holiday traditions. Still most acknowledge holidays in some way and exchange greetings. And the American "Happy Holidays" greeting is known, so I'm sending it out in as many languages as I can with translations that basically mean good wishes. I love reading and saying these words from other languages -- somehow it brings us all closer on this planet, doesn't it? If anybody out there knows "Happy Holidays" in another language, do share...

 Happy Holidays, World! Here's to peace, smiles and joyful reading in 2011!

Korean: 해피 홀리데이 
Greek: Καλές Γιορτές 
French: Joyeuses Fetes!
Spanish: Felices Fiestas!
Mandarin: 恭喜發財 / 恭喜发财 (gōng xǐ fā cái
Hebrew: L'Shanah Tovah!
Hawaiian: Hau'oli Lanui!
Arabic: 'A'yād Sa'īdah أعياد سعيدة 
Gaelic: Beannachtai na Feile!
Japanese: shiawase na kyujitsu
Portugese: Feliz Natal!
Malaysian: maaf zahir dan batin!
Turkish: Mutlu Bayramlar!
South African, Xhose: Ii holide eximnandi
Dutch: Prettige feestdagen!
Indonesian: Selamat Hari Raya!
Swedish: Trevlig Helg!
Portugese: Boas Festas!
German: Forhe Feiertage!
Swahili: Habari Gani !
Russian: С Наступающим!
Vietnamese: Phát tài phát lộc Tấn tài tấn lộc!

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